Monday, December 05, 2005

hell has gone and heaven's here

...there's nothing else for you to fear, shake your ass come over here, now scream!

sorry...i was overcome by "robbie-ness"

which brings to mind a totally different artist/s - U2 and Rob Thomas (yes please scuse the bad grammar)

now U2 and Rob Thomas are both coming to Adelaide, however i am not going to EITHER at the moment!! GRRR

Now as to the Rob Thomas, parentals have said no, and there was no use in me trying to argue with mum (cos shes "always" right...ahem), so sorry Fee and whoever else is going with u (Steve, and Claire is it?) (different Steve)

so i figure this time, if i just buy the tickets, mum will HAVE to let me go....little did i know that my plan would be unsuccessful due to internet problems...damn ticketmaster

My friend Shell however (Rogers not Parker, sorry, should make that clearer) IS going to see U2 in, wait for it...MELBOURNE! now i have absolutely no idea why that deserved capitals...but yea...well it did - dont ask ME how my mind works! i dont have a clue!
Now i tried to get tickets to U2 and dammit i couldnt!! i was on the internet for AGES and their server dammit would not let me in and when i got in, my "searches" for tickets was unsuccessful, due to there being no tickets matching my criteria - GRRRR very annoyed about that - i was on for AGES - dammit - Shell u know how i feel

oh well.....maybe i'll try again later......

yea well thats about it, just venting my frustration by writing a meaningless post....get used to it, i mean cmon, how long have u known me for!

ooh yea, on a totally different note, i was able to cut down my bday list of ppl (and yes, i cant believe it myself, that parentals are leting me have a party! - really small party (so sorry if ur not on teh list, i had to cut down to 40 from about 110 - really sorry), but party nethertheless - AND theres gonna be alcohol there! can u believe it!! i cant....well now i can, but yea)

ooh yea, on another totally different note, Rene wants me to give him schoolies stories, which i dont particulary want to cos then he'd ...well i dunno what he would do, but yea.....and now he's annoyed/disappointed in me and shutting me down dammit - i don't like it when he gets like this grrr
oh and i swam 2850 tonight (yes that was random, but yea ok) - pretty damn good i though considering i havent swum for like 3 months!! (k maybe not that long, but definately over 2 months)

[EDIT: btw, we lost against the DBT's damn them - we got thrashed, would have been good to beat them for their last game before they got kicked out, but oh season about to start, so tis all good]


i'll cya all later!

oh and why dont we finish off with the rest of Let Me Entertain You? now where were we?

I'm a burning effigy
Of everything I used to be
You're my rock of empathy, my dear

So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you

Life's too short for you to die
So grab yourself an alibi
Heaven knows your mother lied
Mon cher
Separate your right from wrongs
Come and sing a different song
The kettle's on so don't be long
Mon cher

So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you

Look me up in the yellow pages
I will be your rock of ages
Your see through fads and your crazy phrases yeah

Little Bo Peep has lost his sheep
He popped a pill and fell asleep
The dew is wet but the grass is sweet, my dear
Your mind gets burned with the habits you've learned
But we're the generation that's got to be heard
You're tired of your teachers and your school's a drag (heheh)
You're not going to end up like your mum and dad

So come on let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Let me entertain you

He may be good he may be outta sight
But he can't be here so come around tonight
Here is the place where the feeling grows
You gotta get high before you taste the lows

So come on
Let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
So come on let me entertain me
Let me entertain you
Come on come on come on come on


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