Thursday, May 25, 2006

just because

WHY is the computer being screwy?? argh. oh well.
ANyway, i got this off Tom's blog

If you have over a 60, you're a bad person!!
Mark yes with *

1) smoked.
2) consumed alcohol. *
3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.
4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. *
5) made out with someone of the opposite sex. *
6) made out with someone of the same sex
7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex. *
8) watched porn.
9) bought porn
10) done drugs.

11) taken pain killers *
12) taken someone else's prescription medicine
13) lied to your parents. *
14) lied to a friend. *
15) snuck out of the house. *
16) done something illegal.
17) cut yourself *
18) hurt someone * (but unintentionally! im not a violent person. most of the time. seriously!)
19) wished someone to die *
20) seen someone die

21) missed curfew. *
22) stayed out all night.
23) eaten a carton of icecream by yourself
24) been to a therapist.
25) been to rehab
26) dyed your hair. *
27) recieved a ticket.
28) been in a wreck.
29) been to a club. *
30) been to a bar. *

31) been to a wild party.*
32) seen the Mardi Gras
34) had a spring break in Florida (i WISH! lol)
35) sniffed anything.
36) wore black nail polish. *
37) wore arm bands. *
38) wore t-shirts with band names. *(does a CSI shirt count? meh ill count it. when i have a RW shirt ill wear it! lol)
39) listened to rap *
40) own a 50 cent cd *

41) dressed gothic. *
42) dressed prep
43) dressed punk *
44) dressed grunge.
45) stole something. *
46) been too drunk to remember anything. *
47) blacked out.
48) fainted
49) had a crush on your neighbor
50) had someone sneak into your room.

51) snuck into some one else's room.
52) had a crush on someone of the same sex
53) been to a concert.
54) dry humped someone.
55) been called a slut * (hey its what we call each other lol....only sey ppl will get that lol)
56) called someone a slut. * (as above)
57) installed speakers in your car
58) broke a mirror
59) showered at someone of the opposites sex's house. *
60) brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush.

61) consider ludacris your favorite rapper
62) seen an R rated movie in theaters *
63) cruised the mall *
64) skipped school.
65) had an eating disorder.
66) had an injury. *
67) gone to court
68) walked out of a restaurant without paying
69) caught something on fire
70) lied about your age.

71) owned an apartment
72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend.
73) cheated with someone.
74) got in trouble with the police. * well not personally, but they came to et's once when we were there and being "loud" apparently.
75) talked to a stranger. *
76) hugged a stranger. *
77) kissed a stranger * (lol schoolies! hahah)
78) rode in the car with a stranger
79) been sexually harrassed
80) been verbally harrassed *

81) met face to face with someone you met online. * Tom G i think i met u online before i met u....i think...thru Stevo
83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight.
84) watched tv for 12 hours straight. * HAHAHA (numerous times. most notably, watching a whole series of 24 lol)
85) been to a fair. *
86) been called a bad influence
87) cursed. *
88) prank called someone. *
89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex. *
90) cheated on a test.

91) cheated on homework. *
92) held hands with someone of the opposite sex. *
93) been pushed into a pool *
94) played pool. *
95) watched 5 hours of mtv straight
96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you.
97) had a crush on someone younger than you. *
98) wear eyeliner * (but not like all the time or anything)
99) skinny dipped
100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt * (yes im sorry, im a bad person)

TOTAL of the TOTALs: 48 (ok i know i said 44 on Tom's thing, but apparently i cant count. maybe im wrong this time too. oh well)
[edit: argh i counted again, and i got 47! then i checked again and got 49??? someone help! because i obviously cannot count lol]

hmm seem to hav a thing for these fill-out-form-y thingos. maybe i should stop. meh

also, on to other stuff briefly

X3:The Last Stand came out today! woohoo!! gonna go see that on tuesday hopefully! :p
AND they've finished filming Dnevnoy Dozor aka Day Watch aka Nightwatch 2 (Nochnoy Dozor 2). cant wait to see it! and cant wait for number 3 either!

AND to Jo, have a gd one in america for the thing ur going on! and also to Dan Dan too, hav fun on ur Camp Amercia trip! and Ellie too i think youre going on one .....but im not sure. well, yea.

AND its nearly hols. so looking forward to the end of exams and then hols yayness!

hav a gd night all


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