Saturday, December 10, 2005

the pink theme continues

hola ppl

yesterday, at the incredibly AWESOME sports dinner (brilliantly run by Fee and ....well Fee) superbly set up by Fee and Joy (aka Fee's mum) and dad too i'm assuming (aka Ross)

The slideshow was timed to perfection (heheh) with shots of Fee getting killed by Penetharian (that IS how you spell it Peneth, and others who spell it differently aka Fee and Fodwright LOL)

congratulations to all those who got awards (and me too i guess, although was definately not expecting it - i didn't even know there were "sport" s awards at Valedictory), and a massive thanx to Feedle and the PE staff (and coaches who came) (heh we'll be missing the "purr like a cat" from Jeff next year) and good luck Dusty for next year's sports dinner! (and events) (wonder if the pink theme will carry on....)

Tonight i've got Ayesh's 18th (also pink theme), which should be awesome too, knowing Ayesh LOL

waaah last three-ish days of school left, then its OVER for good - no more school uniforms!!! ....hmmm i wonder.... what to do in the holidays...hmmm, decisions, decisions :P

brief outline of what's to come
Monday - Service fair, yr 12 dinner
Tuesday - yr 12 breakfast, Al's party
Wednesday - muck up day, Valedictory,....and out?
Thursday - dinner with Shell (aaah how subway has missed the thursday tradition (suprisingly not started by us - was it Huffy (Andrew) and Josh that started it? i dont remember) heheh) - soo much to catch up on
Saturday - Pip's 18th party
Sunday - Pip's birthday (ooh and also Nhi and Ed's anniversary)
ooh and sometime in that week, not exactly sure when, but yea, sometime in this week - Nhi and Ed come over from Sydney woo hoo!

oh, and An gets back tomorrow from Sydney from her Primarys (weird name thing for dentist exams...ugh)



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