Friday, July 07, 2006

i hate everything about you

hey all, i need a temp place to stay at, just short term, until i can find a room thats cheap to rent, or like find somewhere else to stay so if any of you guys can help me out, thatll be really good. maybe someone does actually care about me, but hey if not then thats all good too. its kinda sudden and i didnt get a chance to actually look for places, so yea, sorry. if anyone can help id really appreciate that. actually, if i steal the car, then i could just sleep in that. its big enough. yea ill do that. belay that last request of mine please.

let me ask you actually, (NOTE: the following compressed rant contains course language)
is a messy room reason enough to get rid of someone? ITS FUCKIN CLEAN ALRIGHT!!!! IF YOU JUST WENT INTO MY FUCKIN ROOM THEN YOU WOULD FUCKING KNOW!!! i know it hasnt always been clean, but IT IS NOW. stupid asshole. yes. im fucking annoyed at the fucking fuckhead.

well im glad i got that out of my system. fucking asshole

anyway, onto other news. Mia's birthday bbq is on today. happy birthday Mia for monday. also pirate-ing today. we went golfing on thursday. wednesday was for iceskating. and tuesday was soccer at waite. monday is too far back and i cant remember what happened. oh wait, other ppl went bikeriding and i had work. saturday and sundat consisted of more work and some out-ing on the saturday. friday was. something. thursday was also out-ing some. wednesday was....meh. 24 is awesome. NCIS and the CSI's should stop playing repeats. Desperate Housewives and Lost are also awesome. Soccer, World Cup final is France vs Italy. Go France.


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