Sunday, December 11, 2005

"oh what a night"

"late december back in '63, what a very special time for me, as i remember what a night, oh what a night. no i didn't even know her name, i was never gonna be the same, what a lady what a night"

heheh...four seasons....such an old song, but nethertheless was in december, although not '63 (2005 rather), and i don't actually remember the whole night (except for dancing really), there was no lady (i spose Ayesh could be the lady as it was her bday, but yea, no), and ....well....yea

btw, im sorry for any actions i may have done or what i may have said (don't actually think i spoke much, but yea, what the hell do i know) - i do recall spilling drink on Scotty - sorry about that, and i called Bess Georgie - my apologies about that Bess, i do know who you are, oh and i apologise to Hodge for stumbling on "Lizzie" when i introduced you to Stevo (but i like never call you Lizzie, its always been Hodge or Hodgie.....same with Fod, its hardly ever Em, tis always Fod or Fodwright...or Foden....and with Angove too) and im sure there are other incidents i have left out

anyway, going to go eat something, or try and make me feel better


oh, and a huge thanx to Stevo for taking me, ur a champ!


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