Thursday, August 03, 2006

Eleven on the field with the heart of a gladiator

here's the truth about the truth. it hurts. so we lie.

awesome quote there i like from grey's anatomy - meredith says it. i like her. she is cool. well i think so. i think she's pretty. not like one of those chicks that go around showing off on tv and movies and such like, but she's cool. different looking. but still cool. in grey's anatomy. for all i know, she could be a real ass. but yea. i still like her. in grey's anatomy. hmm i wonder how many times i can say that. i like grey's anatomy. as you can probably tell. i also like 24. it be the final of 24 tonight. i be looking forward to that. much. :D. so, lesson - people lie :P by the way raf, im not being negative! simply finding a way to express myself without causing physical harm to anyone. and NO im not going to break your arm like you want me to. ...but thank you for offering.

by the by, just for anyone who actually reads this, this blog thing that i write on, is about absolutely nothing as i've said. so don't feel obliged to read it or anything. it's just here for me to write what i feel like writing at the moment. so please don't get any wrong ideas about this being an actually informative/interesting or anything like that blog.

soccer to start again for me soon. i need to start training or something for that. but i'm lazy. but i SHOULD. oh well. game sunday. we'll see how it goes. (to sarah t, fee, nina, stevo, and anyone else that this will make sense to: terrified is putting it mildly.) good luck.

i'll be there for you when you want me to, i'll stand by your side like i always do. i like that. it from 60mph. good song that one.
you know what's really random? i like that shakira song "hips don't lie - bamboo" song - the world cup mix version. i really like that beginning bit. salsa type start. strange. but cool. the song i mean.
BamboooOOOooo, Tembaleuoluwaaluwee, Anubaleee le balooo, Levanlevaaandaa laooo.
hahahah awesome.

i should do work. but i don't want to.
oh well doesn't matter, food is here/ready. i think.


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